• 100% green power

  • E-charging station for electric cars

  • regional breakfast buffet

Together for a green future!Sustainability

Co56 Hotel Chemnitz Aussenaufnahme Natur
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For this we stand

Fluffing the covers, preparing the breakfast buffet, always smiling - we could make it so easy for ourselves! But honestly: then neither we nor our guests would have fun here at c/o56 Chemnitz. Our goal is to make every day a great day - for us as well as for our guests. After all, how can we satisfy our guests if we ourselves are not satisfied? For this reason, we firmly believe that our actions and our attitude make the difference. Appreciation, passion for our profession and the pursuit of perfection form our common foundation.

The most important at a glance

Water saving measures

Water consumption is kept as low as possible

Green power

We use green electricity from regional energy service providers

LED Beleuchtung

Unsere Räumen werden Energie sparend und effektiv beleuchtet.

E-charging points

In the underground car park of the c/o56 hotel in Chemnitz, local electricity is now flowing from six wallboxes into the batteries of the E cars.

Room cleaning

daily cleaning only on request


Leihen Sie sich kostenlose Fahrräder bei uns!

2 team members of c/o56 Chemnitz proudly hold their GreenSign certification up to the camera
c/o56 Chemnitz GreenSign Logo
Bees 326337 1920
Tiefgarage Chenmitz 2
Man with green Too Good To Go surprise bag

Sustainability only works together!

If you want to survive in today's marketplace, there's one topic you can't avoid: sustainability. Consumers, shareholders and the public want to know more and more precisely how "green" a company really is. It's good that you now have less to worry about during your stay with us: Because the c/o56 Chemnitz is the first business and conference hotel in southwest Saxony to be awarded the globally recognized GreenSign certificate. With the second highest award level (Level 4), we have been able to prove that we have already taken numerous steps towards sustainability, such as:

* Six charging columns in the underground parking garage.
* "Green" electricity for all hotel guests
* Own honey from the hotel bees in the courtyard
* Regional purchasing for short delivery routes

With our GreenSign Hotel award, you are therefore on the safe side for your next stay, meeting or other corporate event. With over 20 meeting rooms and more than 450 beds, we offer plenty of space even for larger events. And from now on also proven ecological.

      A c/o56 Chemnitz employee stands in the hotel holding a bag in her hand
      A receptionist holds a too good to go bag in her hand
      Man with green Too Good To Go surprise bag


      Inmitten der Chemnitzer Hotellandschaft haben wir seit Februar eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung vollzogen. Als Teil der Too Good to Go "Familie" engagieren wir uns aktiv für Nachhaltigkeit und die Reduzierung von Lebensmittelverschwendung. Die App User können im Augenblick zwischen zwei nachhaltigen Too Good to Go-Tüten wählen: Eine enthält Produkte aus unserem Hotelshop zu reduzierten Preisen, die kurz vor oder nach dem Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum stehen. Die andere bietet frische Bäckerbrötchen, die normalerweise Teil unseres reichhaltigen Frühstücksbuffets sind.